February 22, 2024 | 3:00 PM
Local News, Stephen Devine
Three crime bills authored by State Sen. De Pere have passed the Wisconsin Senate.
The first bill introduced by Sen. Andre Jacques included a problem-solving court specializing in drug treatment, OWI crimes, and commercial disputes.
One of two court bills aimed at solving the problem would focus on criminal justice resources for violent offenders, while also providing for the statutory establishment of commercial courts, which were established in Wisconsin in 2017. This reduces recidivism, increases public safety and reduces pressure on the court system. Supreme Court pilot project dedicated to providing circuit court judicial documents for large scale commercial litigation.
The second bill would expand the TAD (Treatment Alternative and Diversion Grant) program.
Senate Bill 3 would allow public safety officials to better prosecute violent criminals.
Jacques said the law includes reasonable amendments to remove disproportionate treatment, such as property crimes over bodily safety crimes, by increasing penalties for trespassing with intent to commit a crime, such as a shooting. He said he would provide it.
All bills must pass the Wisconsin General Assembly before being considered by Gov. Tony Evers.
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